Meet Emily

Hi my name is Emily and I'm a 6th grader at DSMS. I joined the student IT Help Desk at DSMS because I enjoy working with technology, even if I'm scared of making mistakes and taking down every single device linked to technology in the building. I want to find a way to make technology easier to explain and to make life easier for all people. I think I'm a good candidate because I'm very responsible and I will always follow directions. 

My favorite subjects at DSMS are the electives, English, and math. The electives are fun and exciting to do have because they are different and unique. I have learned many things so far. I like English because it helps my improve my writing and vocabulary. I like math because it seems to be one subject I excel at and with math, everything is practical. There is only one answer and if you get it wrong, you can always figure it out by just being a bit more careful. 

My favorite apps are the Google+ app and YouTube app because the Google+ one lets me connect with my friends and the YouTube app has a lot of educational and (doi) funny videos. The thing I like most about using Google Drive for school is how now when I work with partners, I won't have to worry about my work accidentally getting lost or having to worry about whether or not they copied everything down. Not to mention Google Drive allows me to work on my project at home or anywhere with a computer and WiFi.

My favorite interests and hobbies outside of school are reading, folding origami, baking something with chocolate in it (I know Mrs. Merritt and Ms. Sammarco won't like the idea of such unhealthy sweet treats), watching funny videos online, eating, and drawing optical illusions. My passion with working with technology is Coding with Karel, the frog coding program, and sending emails to my friends. 

If I could visit anywhere in the whole world, I would want to visit Rome, Greece, or Egypt. As you read above, I love reading and I love reading mythology. A LOT. I want to visit the places that these great mythologies came from. In 6 years, I see myself throwing my graduation cap in the air and packing to go to Harvard then going to Harvard Square and having bubble tea and buying lots and lots of books.

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